Edison High School Foundation

NamePositionPhoneEmail Address
Danny Morris
Principal – President Advisor
Danny Morris
Autumn DiGiovonniActing President(949) 439-9538EdisonHSFoundation@gmail.com
Laura LamudeVice Presidentlaura@wcehb.com
Erin LusignanTreasurer
Jennifer Balch-LaLondeSecretary
Kelly Prouty Event Chairkprouty@hbuhsd.edu
Bruce BelcherMember At Large
Tony EdenWebmastertony@tonyeden.com

The Foundation can use your help whatever amount of time you have. We need event planners and workers, fund-raising help, grant writers, and promoting help. All these efforts go to support our kids. Contact EdisonHSFoundation@gmail.com if interested in helping the Foundation or serving on the board.
Have an idea?
Have an Idea for an event?
The Foundation can co-host….raising funds for Edison students

Is there something that you’d like the Board to consider? If so, drop us a line and we’ll add it to our agenda…because TOGETHER we are better